A Seattle ambulance crew escaped injury Tuesday afternoon after a man threw a brick at their vehicle.
They were delayed responding to the call, King 5 reported.
During a bail hearing, the judge told Dale Cieslinski, 60: "You are a danger to commit another violent crime, so I’m going to set bail at the amount of $75,000.”
IAFF Local 27 President Kenny Stuart told reporters: “I’m extremely concerned that this rising level of violence against firefighters has not been addressed appropriately.”
There were Stuart 50 attacks on firefighters over a six-month span between 2022 and 2023.
In May, the Seattle City Council voted to amend existing protections for police officers to include obstructing firefighters and fire department personnel making obstruction a gross misdemeanor.
It's not only assaults that bother Stuart.
“We’ve had numerous saws taken from our apparatus while we’re out in the community. Our training facility has been burglarized 13 times with thousands of dollars in equipment taken."